The Course addresses all those people who are in possession of a bachelor/mastes Degree (Psychology, Medicine, Law Sociology, Human Science) or who are Teachers, ppolice or similar, Nurses or equivalent profiles and are willing to improve their knowledge of the human psychology (particularly that of minors) as well as how to interpret it in the legal sector.
The course prepares the trainee for psychology analysis, according to the legal philosophy acting on the main element of the phenomenon of juvenile delinquency.
The traing programme is made of four modules which are delivered over five (5) full days of contact learning in a classroom environment and practice lessons. Students will be provided whith Power Point presentations as well as detailed hand-outs and other materials useful to support their learning experience, especially considering the legalaspect of the course.
Moreover, practical experience in this course is foreseen to simulate a Group Psychology Session, in whith each member of the group will play different roles such as the lawyer, the client the magistrate or the tecnical Consultant.
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